1.What to eat good fruit and diabetes, how much to eat, the great stress.
2."There are disgraceful people who would try to take advantage of that great stress, " he said.
3.Particularly at a time when their balance sheets are under great stress, it is going to be very difficult for them.
4.Worry over his joB and his wife's health put him under a great stress.
5.Worry over his job and his wife's health put him under great stress.
6."For me, getting enough sleep, eating right and exercising reduce my stress levels. And a really good workout is a great stress buster. "
7.Great stress relief would occur in the uniform surface residual stress introduced by shot-peening with a great stress gradient.
8.It can be a time of great stress, major dislocation and morphing marital roles.
9.Repetitive throwing or other overhead activity places great stress on the shoulder.
10.Globalisation and competition from lower-cost countries had placed the old idea of nurturing local communities under great stress.